THE CITY KIDS are alright
Anyone who knows the mean streets of the Scottish town of Dundee should be wary of angry-looking men in biker leathers. The City Kids are around and mean business. Killer music is their business and business is good!
The City Kids have a gang leader with JJ Watt from the Main Grains. When they disbanded, JJ had amassed enough songs for an album. He subsequently teamed up with Tigertailz bass player Berty Burton. Dennis Post of Warrior Soul joined up as well and the band now have given collective birth to Things That Never Were. Falling Red’s Dave Sanders completed the line-up, with a whole host of other guest artists appearing on the accompanying covers’ album, Shit That We Like.
The band are sleazier than one of Gene Simmons‘s chat-up lines and are edgy and furious. They bust out of their boom boxes with a sound not too dissimilar to the sadly lost The Four Horsemen band.
Things That Never Were
They punch through the sonic wall with the opening blast of “Best of You” and you know they will mess you up if you show weakness. So, you front up and then they slam “Before You Fall” and then you hit the canvas and the bell sounds!
It’s a slamming funfair of a record, for sure. These are no Kids. They are hard as nails and with earworms that eat you alive.
The two punch of “Left Behind” and “Rats” chase you like that psycho neighbour who found you walking over his front lawn.
I have to say, I wasn’t a fan on first listen. However, these rockers make a good day feel a great bit better. The sound is organic and the groove is rock solid. They make the wax rattle out of your eardrums and they know a great tune when they hear one. The gods of rock n’ roll have blessed this band with real talent.
Shit That We Like
As a compendium to their debut, The City Kids have also released a covers record. This features a number of guest musicians, including Stesh Thompson and Dave Kerr.
The songs are not generally well known, except for Motorhead‘s “Killed By Death” and Therapy‘s “Die Laughing“. The record is fun and loose, but also great to drive to.
BUY: AMAZON.com / AMAZON.co.uk
Also, find more of my CGCM reviews here: Coxy
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mHGB1lxPjY[/embedyt]