One of the popular segments of the CGCM audio podcast episodes is DICK IN THE DIRT. The odd phrase refers to the co-host’s choice of a song that’s currently ‘rocking their world”. Could be a new song, or an old classic. If it’s an earworm, it qualifies! The phrase derives from Wallygator‘s group of high school friends. Instead of saying: “Wow, that song really knocked me on my ass!” they would decree “That song knocked my dick in the dirt!” Hell, even Sammy Hagar knows the phrase!
Stemming from that popular segment of their audio podcast episodes, The CGCM Podcast hosts proudly present: Their DAILY DICK IN THE DIRT TRACKS! You can always find the current day’s selection videos near the top of our homepage. Give these tracks a spin, and if they rock you as much as they do us, buy the albums! /
The CGCM Podcast is sponsored by The Farm Rehearsal Studios/Farm Rock Build-A-Band Program in Markham, Ontario and Cloven Hoof Rum in Brighton and Hove, UK.
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Rock out with your cock out!